Today is August 25, 2018 –  (see August 25, 2018 on my Facebook page for video)

Yesterday at school my teacher shared with me a French video. It was about how people in general are on the go all of the time, constantly checking email, Facebook, running here and there, racing to get to dinner dates on time. It made me stop and think about how, as much as I work to create balance in my life, to create space so I can see the little otherwise unnoticeable things that bring me such pleasure, I sometimes find doing so challenging.  I know it is a challenge for others as well.

During yesterday’s video I spoke of intuition and how listening to and following intuition, that inner voice is life-changing.  I asked the questions:  What does your inner voice guide you to pursue and what keeps you from listening to and following it?

I think one major reason we don’t follow this inner guidance system is because we can’t hear what it is whispering to us.  We are so caught up in our busy lives and schedules.  And, when we are not doing we have a habit of constantly thinking which blocks our ability to connect with our inner sage.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all that you’ve got going on in your life too?

Recently, to develop a habit of creating space I’ve begun to start every day by listening to affirmations.  This seems to help get my day off on the right track and slows me down a bit.

Todays’ No Regrets Challenge question is:  What things have you tried to create space in your life, to slow down the pace of life a bit so you can feel more calm and serene, so that you can hear this inner voice communicate your deepest desires to you?

Patricia Brooks is a life experiences coach, speaker, and the author of Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life you Live. She is the host of the Discovering Courage Podcast where each week she explores how ordinary people have managed to live extraordinary lives. Patricia is currently living in France, pursuing her dreams.

Photo Credti: Karen Lau