Are you ready to move abroad and thrive there?


Take the quiz and find out!

Move Abroad and Thrive Mental Readiness Quiz

Being the kind of person who moves abroad confidently and sustainably requires certain habits and personality traits. You might already possess all of them, or you might need to develop some of them so that you can become the kind of person who moves abroad and thrives there. This survey, which is a general guide and is NOT diagnostic, will help you see if your habits and thought patterns will aid you in facing the numerous challenges that moving to and living in a foreign country bring with it.

Instructions: For each question, select the one answer that best describes you currently

Welcome to your Move Abroad and Thrive Mental Readiness Quiz

In general, when there is uncertainty in my life and I need to make a decision I…

When I make a plan and follow it but don’t get the results I had anticipated I…

When someone asks me why I want to move abroad and what living in my dream country will allow me to have, be, do, feel, or become the answer…

I feel ___ about starting over in a new place

When I am waiting for a response to an administrative inquiry or some other matter that I have handed over to someone else to complete…

When I see someone doing something in a manner that is different from the way that I do it, I...

I believe that moving abroad is possible for me to achieve.

When you think about picking up and moving to your dream country, rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 means “not convinced at all” and 10 means “completely convinced”.

I am committed to doing all that it will take (including the really challenging or uncomfortable things) to make my dream of living in a foreign country a reality.

When you think about picking up and moving to your dream country, rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 means “not convinced at all” and 10 means “completely convinced”.

I believe that I deserve to and am worthy of living my dream life in my new country

When you think about picking up and moving to your dream country, rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 means “not convinced at all” and 10 means “completely convinced”.

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