Hello.  Today is August 5th 2018 and I am back at home in Perpignan, France, safe and sound.  I had a wonderful trip .  I have to say though.  I’m glad to be back home. During my travels I met some interesting people.  I learned a lot of history and saw things that shifted my perspective; I got clear on some things and recognized where I’ve been playing it safe and small.

So, at the encouragement of my friend Ombretta,  I started sharing my thoughts and ideas on Facebook Live to stretch myself.  I hope in the process you are finding value in it.

Yesterday’s No Regrets message was brief.  It pointed to the limiting belief that to accomplish something or to benefit from something it has to take a long time to do or materialize. My message focused on rejuvenation.  Thank you Sam and Ruth for sharing your thoughts on how to revitalize quickly.

It also doesn’t have to take a long time to complete a task that will provide longer term benefit.  For example, I can come up with ideas for these Facebook Live posts in an instant.  I see something in passing and it triggers an idea for a post!  I jot an outline down about it and go from there.

So yesterday as I was passing through Barcelona on my way home I saw yet another red and white KFC sign.  I’d seen KFC’s in Amsterdam, in London, and in Berlin.  The Colonel is everywhere.  Seeing this white haired image of The Colonel this umpteenth time, I recognized another limiting belief that some people have and that is “I’m too old to start something new.”  Did you know that The Colonel was sixty-two when he founded and franchised the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant chain?  Sixty-two, that’s the age when some people retire and he founded this restaurant that is now everywhere! If you have this limiting belief about yourself hopefully this will change it!

So last week I asked you to write down something that you want to achieve so that you won’t have regrets about it at the end of your life. I also asked you to write down a specific goal that you could start working toward in service or accomplishing this life vision. Today I’d like for you to answer the following questions.

If you haven’t set a vision or set your goal, answer:

“What are my thoughts about setting this vision and goal?  What is keeping me from doing this?”

If you have set a vision and a stepping stone goal to reach this vision.  Ask yourself and answer:

“What am I telling myself about my ability or the possibility of my achieving this goal and subsequent vision?” and

“Where do these thoughts come from?”

It’s a great idea to write down your answers.  This brings clarity and creates greater awareness.

If I could start this Facebook Live challenge with only two days lead time while on vacation and if Colonel Sanders could start his super successful restaurant chain in his sixties.  You can do what it is you deeply desire too.  Say goodbye to limiting beliefs.

Feel free to comment on the limiting beliefs you have had in the past or that you currently still have.  Sharing helps others who might have similar ones not feel so alone.

That’s all for today.  See you tomorrow!

Patricia Brooks is a life experiences coach, speaker, and the author of Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life you Live. She is the host of the Discovering Courage Podcast where each week she explores how ordinary people have managed to live extraordinary lives. Patricia is currently living in France, pursuing her dreams.

Photo Credit: Niu Niu