Today is August 27, 2018 -(see August 27, 2018 on my Facebook page for video)
At the beginning of this month I asked you what it is you want to experience in life so that when it’s over, you don’t regret not having lived that experience.
I am the Courage Catalyst, inspiring calm confidence for bold action because it’s my mission in life to move people to live their lives fully, joyfully. So it’s no wonder I’d ask such a question.
In order to do the things we dream of we have to make changes in your life; I think this is a big block for a lot of people. Change is difficult because it signals instability. And instability signals lack of safety. And as humans, at our core, we are wired to stay safe. Stay alive. So it’s normal, but if we want to experience this more amazing life that we envision ourselves living we have to make changes, and get comfortable with the idea of change. When we do our experiences are more positive and we grow.
I haven’t always been comfortable with change. I remember being a field consultant training g at 7-Eleven and I worked in different stores to learn how to manage them. And I hated it. It was stressful. I was so anxious trying to keep eight or so pots of coffee going while running the cash register during the morning rush. I was petrified of cutting off a finger as I did food prep. And one day a man in a pair of grey overalls flashed me as he stood in line in the middle of the lunchtime rush. I just wasn’t cut out for that kind of work and I knew it, but I could not make the move to leave on my own. I had to be pushed. I got fired for the third time in the early years of my career.
Sometimes life pushes us when we don’t take charge and make the obvious and necessary changes in our lives. These pushes can move us forward, but they don’t typically feel real good. So getting comfortable with making changes in your life on your own terms is liberating.
I am getting better at reading the signs when change is needed and finding the courage to make the change on my terms.
So today’s no regrets challenge questions are: When have you been pushed to make a change in your life and what did that experience teach you?
Please comment below.
See you again tomorrow. By for now.
Patricia Brooks is a life experiences coach, speaker, and the author of Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life you Live. She is the host of the Discovering Courage Podcast where each week she explores how ordinary people have managed to live extraordinary lives. Patricia is currently living in France, pursuing her dreams.
Photo Credit: Jordan Donaldson