Today is August 6, 2018 (see August 6, 2018 on my Facebook page for video)

What have you learned so far this month during this No Regrets challenge?

Thus far I’ve focus mostly on setting an intention for what you want to experience in your life,  basically setting a Meaningful Goal, which is the first Catalyst to living a bold life which I write about in my book Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build confidence and Love the Life you Live. 

Today I’m going to shift gears a little and turn to the second catalyst, which is Building Self-confidence. Yesterday I went to the beach and went swimming with a friend.  It was the very first time that I swam in the gorgeous Mediterranean Sea.  And the first time in 25 years that I’d gone swimming at all.  I was outfitted with goggles and a snorkel so I could see the beautiful fishes.  We went in and I began swimming and almost immediately I saw fish.  It was an incredible experience. I felt a sense of calm and well-being.  I continued to float further out and as I saw the rocky bottom of the sea get more and more distant  I panicked! I raised my head, started treading water and gasped for air. In an instant that sense of peace and calm vanished.  What had happened I asked myself?

We swam back to shallower water and I gathered myself and began swimming again in this area.  Once again I saw the fish and was able to resume a sense of calm and was able to breathe through the snorkel without any problem.  My friend suggested that we swim out to the buoy which was only 10 or so feet away.  And I agreed.  It wasn’t that far.  I started to swim toward the buoy, but once again as I reached that deeper section of water I stopped myself and decided I wasn’t ready to go any further. I told my friend to go on without me and I went back to the shallower section. I swam there with the fish for another fifteen minutes, thoroughly enjoying the experience.

But what had happened in the deep section?

Twenty minutes later safe back on shore taking in the spectacular views of the crystal clear blue Mediterranean and the gorgeous Pyrenees mountains in the backdrop I realized that I lacked confidence to go further.  I didn’t trust my swimming ability or the equipment, though I had proven to myself twice that I still could swim pretty well and that the equipment worked.  I also realized that was normal.  I hadn’t swam for a long time.  It was the first time I used snorkeling equipment. My reaction, fear, was my mind taking over in an effort to keep me safe.

My question for you today is when has fear or a lack of self-confidence stopped you from doing something? In hindsight how did this fear or lack of faith in yourself, give you the guise of keeping your safe?  Be sure to write your answers down so you can refer to them later and gain even more insights. And feel free to share below.

Faith in yourself and your abilities is built when you take small steps and practice something again and again. Building your self-confidence helps you to remain calm, think clearly, and enjoy the journey. I know I will go back and swim to that buoy.  I know it will be enjoyable when I do. But before I do I will build up my confidence in myself by swimming a bit more before I go.

Patricia Brooks is a life experiences coach, speaker, and the author of Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life you Live. She is the host of the Discovering Courage Podcast where each week she explores how ordinary people have managed to live extraordinary lives. Patricia is currently living in France, pursuing her dreams.

Photo Credit: Dan Gold