Today is August 20, 2018 (see August 20, 2018 on my Facebook page for video)
Okay so you’ve got this dream, right? Perhaps you’d like to write a book or maybe you want to find that perfect job where you feel appreciated and enjoy the work you do. Or perhaps you want to paint. Or maybe it’s something completely different from those things. The fact is you have a dream. Where are you in the process of working on that dream?
Yesterday I asked you what success meant to you. And the responses were pretty unanamious, the answers were around a feeling of enjoyment or satisfaction sometimes after achieiving something or living in a certain way or simply enjoying time with family and friends.
When you boil it down, we are motivated to do things and work toward things that we believe will bring us that feeling of satisfaction and happiness. But sometimes we only dream about doing those things and don’t move forward to realize those dreams even though on the other side we believe we will experience these same feelings of satisfaction and happiness we associate with success. Why is that? What stops us from taking action or staying on a course to realize our dreams?
I’ve been there. Living a pretty routine, rut-filled life. And I was miserable. Anticipating the weekend, yet when the weekend came I’d spend it catching up on sleep, or overindulging in food, or drink, or TV to compensate for the emptiness I felt. I was existing, but not really living. So what changed for me?
The answer: my father died and his death made me face my own mortality. And I realized then that I wanted to experience my life differently, more passionately and more joyfully. I couldn’t see myself living the next twenty or thirty years or however many years I had left to live at that point the way I was living them. So I decided to make changes in spite of the work and fear associated with it. I made changes gradually, but in time it has paid off.
So my question for you today is:
What stops you from taking action or from staying on course after you’ve taken those first steps so that you can do the things you dream of so that you can experience those feelings of satisfaction, happiness, of success? Private message me your response. Or if you are feeling a little more bold, comment below. Either way please respond. I’m really interested in hearing your challenges.
Thanks for watching. See you again tomorrow.
Patricia Brooks is a life experiences coach, speaker, and the author of Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life you Live. She is the host of the Discovering Courage Podcast where each week she explores how ordinary people have managed to live extraordinary lives. Patricia is currently living in France, pursuing her dreams.
Photo Credit: Dan Gribbin