Today is August 21, 2018 – (see August 21, 2018 on my Facebook page for video)
Clarity is a beautiful thing.
In 2015 I had a vague idea that I wanted to move to France. At that time I wasn’t exactly sure but this idea, the seed of my dream got planted. During my first trip to France I knew that it was my dream, but I wasn’t really sure where in France I wanted to settle. My dream was still cloudy. In 2016 when I returned that was when my dream began to take shape and became pretty clear.
The first time I visited Perpignan, from the moment I exited the train station (which Salvador Dali called the Center of the Universe), I knew Perpignan was the place I wanted to live. In that moment I felt an overwhelming sense of freedom that I wanted to experience all of the time. This gave me clarity and a burning desire. I wanted to live in France in this place where palm trees lined the street, only minutes from the Mediterranean Sea, and where picturesque mountaintop panaromas peaked out at every turn. Above all, I wanted to feel that sense of freedom I felt that first time I came here.
Yes, indeed, clarity is a beautiful thing.
Yesterday I asked you what is holding you back from taking action to work toward your dream. I want to thank Verna for responding. She said she wasn’t completely clear on her dream. This is a great piece of information. It is difficult to put a plan in place and work that plan if you are unclear as to where you want to go or want to accomplish. I think sometimes the ups and downs of life can get in our way and obscure our dreams or even cause us to feel that our dreams are unattainable. That’s normal, but it doesn’t have to keep you from experiencing the life you want to. It is possible to get clear on what you want and why. Setting that meaningful goal and creating a burning desire, the first catalyst to growing bold, is the first step.
There is a really neat exercise in Growing Bold at the end of Chapter 1 where I walk you through creating this clarity. If lack of clarity is what is holding you back from working toward your dreams, you might find this activity helpful.
It’s hard to believe that there is only a little over a week left in this No Regrets Facebook challenge. I’m curious, what one idea, concept, or story that I have spoken about so far has stood out the most for you?
Comment below. And I’ll see you again tomorrow.
Patricia Brooks is a life experiences coach, speaker, and the author of Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life you Live. She is the host of the Discovering Courage Podcast where each week she explores how ordinary people have managed to live extraordinary lives. Patricia is currently living in France, pursuing her dreams.
Photo Credit: Daniel Kuruvilla