Today is August 17, 2018 (see August 17, 2018 on my Facebook page for video)
Yesterday I shared with you one of the key points I have come to better understand during this Facebook live challenge. The fact that self-confidence is built by doing things we aren’t yet good at over and over, again and again.
I’m curious. How have these videos helped you? What have you learned? And what would help you to get from where you are to where you want to be? Please comment below.
I’m developing a course for people who, each week, find themselves counting down the day’s until it Friday again so they can
- stop doing work that no longer holds meaning to them (outside of the paycheck)
- distance themselves from the nonsensical bureaucracy that has taken over most of their work-life, and
- enjoy relaxing time with family and friends.
This course will help people who have somehow found themselves in a passionless rut to discover a path, their passions, and a purpose that bring new, vibrant energy and excitement into their lives.
My path to a new life started soon after my father died. It included taking creative writing classes, taking up karate, enrolling in school to become a life coach, and writing and publishing my book. My journey continues to change and evolve as I do and it now includes growing my coaching practice, living in France, and exploring Europe. Your path, your transformation, will most definitely look different, as it should because living a life that you are passionate about every day starts with designing one that supports your own personal principles and values.
So today’s questions are:
- What do you struggle with that is keeping you from living that incredible life where you look forward to Mondays and where each day is so rewarding that Wednesdays make you as excited as Saturdays?
- What are you missing out on, what are you not experiencing because of this thing you struggle with?
- In what ways could I help you with that?
Your responses to these three questions will help me with content for the rest of August’s No Regrets challenge. It will also help me create a course that speaks to these challenges and helps move you forward with more ease.
I’d love to hear from you. Private message me your answers or comment below. I’m really interested to hear what’s going on for you.
Thanks a bunch.
I’ll see you again tomorrow.
Patricia Brooks is a life experiences coach, speaker, and the author of Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life you Live. She is the host of the Discovering Courage Podcast where each week she explores how ordinary people have managed to live extraordinary lives. Patricia is currently living in France, pursuing her dreams.
Photo Credit: Rawpixel