Go from surviving in a country that no longer suits you 

to living and thriving in a country that does

Whatever happened to that dream you had of living abroad?

Maybe you got the urge to move to a foreign country years ago, and you explored the idea back then, but something stopped you.

Now every time you hear about someone’s expat journey on a podcast or in a blog post, you feel a bit jealous of them and irritated with yourself.  

You think, why can’t I Iive that kind of lifestyle?

The truth is, you can!

But you’ve lost faith that that is even possible. So instead of taking steps to make your dream a reality, you spend way too much time pining away for a life abroad without taking meaningful steps to make it happen.

You find yourself making excuses and procrastinating.  And time passed.

Now, you are no closer to living abroad than when your dream found you all that time ago. And now you feel stuck.

You’re discouraged with thoughts of

How can I earn a living overseas?

I’m not the kind of person who packs up and moves thousands of miles away from “home”

Who am I kidding, I can’t move abroad because ___________(fill in the blank)

I don’t even know where to begin

Whatever the reasons, they all lead to one place…


So you  feel constricted, stuck in a country where you don’t feel you can be your authentic self.

You are frustrated, and you tell yourself there has got to be more to life than what you are living.  Anxious, annoyed, and stymied, you relegate yourself to living your dream through the stories of those who are living their lives in foreign countries.  And day after day,  the walls continue to close in on you.

And COVID-19 has made things even worse.  Are you kicking yourself because you didn’t act on your plans and move to that place where you feel so free and alive before the pandemic struck and completely stalled your life?

Despite your dissatisfaction, you can’t seem to break out of procrastination mode.

Sadly, this is where so many expat dreams die.

But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?

What if you could finally work through the doubt, uncertainty, and inertia so that you can finally start living and thriving in your dream country?

The Carefree Expat Incubator Program will get you there. 

What if you could wake up every morning in that place where you feel most alive, where you show up in all your glory?

Imagine it!  Living in a country where you radiate calm confidence and a joy for life merely because being there honors who you are and the ideals you hold most dear.

Perhaps it’s a sense of freedom and adventure.

Or maybe it’s connecting with people from different cultures.

Perhaps your curiosity and desire to learn new things experientially make you feel young and alive.

Or perhaps you just want a simpler, more relaxed lifestyle where you can savor new cuisines at an outdoor restaurant.

Whatever those values are, imagine the satisfaction you will experience as you rise to the challenges and enjoy the benefits of living in your dream country.

Hi, I’m Patricia


I was just like you. I felt trapped and unable to be me, fully, in the United States. But I was scared, so I put my dream of living abroad on hold for way too long.

Then, with the help of a coach, I began to see living abroad as a real possibility for me. I changed my beliefs, created new habits that boosted my confidence, and I made my move to France.

It was a challenging process of self-discovery, accountability, and action, but it has been so worth it. And I know this process, which I teach in the Carefree Expat Incubator Program, will help you find the confidence and courage to move abroad with clarity and ease.

Let me guide you.

Would you like to learn how to…

create an inspiring vision of your new life abroad

move through your fears, doubts, and uncertainties

develop and execute your move abroad plan

downsize all your stuff to make the move sensibly

manage the feelings of isolation and create community in your new country

sustain yourself and continue to live your dream for years to come

What members are saying about the program…

I don't think I could have made a firm decision without this program.

The [Carefree Expat] community she has put together provides a place where you can comfortably share your desire to move abroad, even if you are not ready to share with anyone else right now. I believe at the end of the program, you will find that you have more confidence and certainty around your decision and will take that leap you have been dreaming of. Personally I don’t think I could have made a firm decision with an actual launch date without this program.

Patricia holds the space, empowers and supports

If you really want to push past emotional fears and boundaries holding you back from taking the leap to move abroad, this program is for you. Patricia holds the space to ask the difficult questions but always gets you to a better place, feeling empowered and supported.

I don't think there is anyone else who can do what she does on so many levels

She provides highly relevant and often revelatory opportunities for each person to identify 1) their unique needs and wants, 2) what blocks they experience to making their dream a reality and 3) the tools needed to help move forward. She delivers direct care, direction and support. I don’t think there is anyone else who can do what she does on so many levels. I highly recommend her program. You will love it (and her). -Susanne

With the help of this program I was able to take my move from a matter of "if" to a matter of "when."

At the beginning of the program I was unsure of where I even wanted to end up – I just knew I wanted to move abroad. Over the following weeks I was able to not only decide on a country, but increase my confidence in being able to make my move abroad happen. With the help of this program I was able to take my move from a matter of “if” to a matter of “when.” –Carefree Expat Incubator Member

I cannot say enough good things about this program.

 I signed up to tackle the logistics of moving to France. What I found was practical tips on the logistics, but more profoundly, support and encouragement emotionally which allowed me to really embrace what I want and how I want to actually live. Patricia’s program has helped me to give myself permission to pursue my dreams. – Shannon

I planned for and made my move abroad alone, but I created a program that provides support and accountability so that you don’t have to.

The Carefree Expat Incubator is the simplest way for you to gain clarity on what you want to experience, work through your fears and doubts, create a plan, and be held accountable so that you can start living and thriving in your new country. 

What is included?

Self-paced Video Trainings

Weekly Coaching Support

Amazing Like-minded Community

8 self-paced, video lessons with all the necessary tools you will need to make your move – with 3-year access to existing and any updated versions of video modules

3-year access to weekly Group Coaching Calls where you’ll receive support and guidance from your Coach and the encouragement from and wisdom of fellow, like-minded program members

Access to support via a private online community so that you can connect with other women pursuing an expat journey and receive strategic, high-level guidance when you need it.

The Carefree Expat Incubator

Program Framework


Module 1

Belief building, decision making, visioning and goal setting

Identifying your core values to get you out of procrastination mode and into action

Making key decisions that reduce overwhelm and self-doubt, using a two-step decision process

Module 2

Transforming vision into a holistic and concrete plan

Developing a plan that addresses logistical concerns such as visa, language skills, budget, career, AND the often-overlooked emotional considerations such as letting go of the old, creating empowering beliefs, and embracing your new identity

Module 3

Taking action on plan, remaining positive and staying in action

Prioritizing action items, working  your plan, assessing progress, and making adjustments so that you stay on track and can begin  living in your new country more quickly and confidently

Next steps

Schedule a call

Does what you read on this page sound like you? Then book a complimentary call with me now. I’d love to discuss your plans for the future and see how you can get there. Click the button below to find a time that works for you.


Let's chat

The intention of the call is to learn about you and your plans to move abroad. I will ask some questions to find out where you are in the process, where you want to be, and if I can help you bridge that gap and get your there.


Create Your Future

If it sounds like I can help, I’ll explain what I have to offer and how it all works and you and I can decide if working together is a fit for both of us. Then everything is possible and you can create the future you want.

What People Are Saying About The Program

I cannot say enough good things about this program. I signed up to tackle the logistics of moving to France. What I found was practical tips on the logistics, but more profoundly, support and encouragement emotionally which allowed me to really embrace what I want and how I want to actually live. Patricia’s program has helped me to give myself permission to pursue my dreams.

Shannon Griffin

Carefree Expat Member now living in Paris, France

I love, love this program! Before joining, I had a lofty idea of what it would take to make my dream of living abroad become a reality, but now I have an action plan and the support system to truly make these plans come to fruition. Thank you, Patricia Brooks, for creating this amazing program and community.

Maria Lloyd

Carefree Expat Member

I’m so grateful that I found Patricia Brooks and her course, The Carefree Expat Incubator Program.  It is a community of women who support each other, and applaud each other’s wins. At the heart of this program is Patricia Brooks herself. Patricia’s combination of kindness, and humor as well as her knowledge, resources, and patience helps you understand what you truly want, and the vision you create for your life is priceless.  It has given me the courage and support I needed to move abroad.

The course takes you on a journey of self-awareness, but not only that, it addresses practical matters of planning a move abroad. Because of The Carefree Expat Program, I’m now living my life in the south of France! Merci Patricia!

Lillian Palmer, France

Carefree Expat Member now living in Nice, France


I gained so much more than I expected when I reached out to Patricia Brooks and joined The Carefree Expat Incubator Program. I thought all I needed was some hand-holding through the complicated process to move permanently to Portugal. What I found was clarity, courage, and support to get through the sometimes heart-wrenching undertakings (e.g., letting go of my house and a lifetime of accumulated belongings).  With Patricia’s guidance and encouragement of the women in the coaching calls, I sailed through and felt freedom rather than loss.

The weekly coaching sessions are highlights for me; I come away from each session with new insights and inspiration.  I am well on my way to a recreated simple life in Portugal.

Sharon Miller, Portugal

Carefree Expat Member now living in Faro, Portugal


The Carefree Expat Incubator program has changed the whole trajectory of my move abroad plan. Before joining Patricia’s program, I was mostly dreaming but not doing the work it takes to make moving abroad a reality. Her course is leading me through the steps to define my key core values, necessary for planning my move and staying motivated. Through this journey of self-discovery, I’ve met several intelligent, determined, and passionate women during weekly group calls. Patricia has created an open, safe space for us to share our fears, hopes, and wins.

I am not the same person I was before joining this program. I’m now committed to doing all that is required to make my move abroad happen.

Dionne Roberts

Carefree Expat Member

Every single time I’m on a call with Patricia, I think, “She is SO good at this!”

Have you ever had the privilege of witnessing another person actively walking in their life’s purpose? That’s what it feels like to be a member of this community. Patricia is an exceptional teacher, life coach, and program manager.

I’m still working to complete my modules, but the fact that she has a tool for everything that life throws at us has been a lifesaver for me. I’m so blessed to be part of this tribe of women!

It can sometimes feel lonesome to be one of few within your friends’ group or the only one of your relatives who desires to leave the United States. But being part of this chosen family is one of the most affirming decisions I’ve ever made. I’m constantly reminded by the other women in the program who have either already moved abroad or who are also on their way out that I’m not alone. They help validate my yearnings for a more fulfilling life outside of North America by showing me that a better quality of life is within my grasp. Not only can I have everything I want, but I also deserve it.

I am eternally grateful our paths crossed, and I look forward to being in my own personal promised land sooner than later.

ChristiAna Huff

Carefree Expat Member

I’ve had the desire to move to Paris but when I searched for people on YouTube who had moved abroad, most of them were young college students or au pairs. Then Patricia’s channel popped up. After watching several of her videos, I thought to myself, I must talk to her to see if she can help me. I’m so glad I did. Working with Patricia has not only helped me see the possibility of moving abroad, but it has also awakened a dormant dream of becoming a life coach I’ve had for years. Her guidance gave me the actionable plans needed to create a viable business. Thanks to hiring Patricia, I am now a life coach, who will be moving to Paris!
Bernadette J.

Coaching Client

I worked with Patricia as I prepared to retire to France. I didn’t need help with a visa or choosing a place to settle. I needed emotional support, another set of eyes, experienced and nuanced guidance, encouragement and wisdom that went beyond my dossier. My sessions with Patricia helped me to prepare myself–psychologically and emotionally–for this huge life change. I could bring anything to the table, even my (somewhat) irrational fear of not being able to find the same hair products in France! She helped tremendously.
Theresa Conroy, France

Coaching Client

When I got serious about uprooting my life to move to France, deciding where to begin my research was challenging. Despite combing government websites, questions remained regarding residency requirements, which visa I could apply for, employment options, health insurance, and other issues. The glut of information available online and elsewhere was overwhelming, to say the least.

Thankfully, I found Patricia and her Carefree Expat Incubator (CEI) program. Patricia offers a roadmap to navigate the emotional, mental, and physical terrain that comes with such an ambitious undertaking as relocating to a different country. With the CEI program, I’ve gained the clarity and purpose of my journey towards life in a foreign land. The core values I identified supports my “why” for moving abroad.

Besides life coaching and the CEI learning modules, I get access to a supportive community of energetic, like-minded women at different stages of their expat journey. Their collective wisdom and generosity fills my heart to the brim with gratitude each week. Roadblocks on the path to expat life may sprout up, but with Patricia’s continued guidance and support, I am confident, empowered, and inspired to keep forging ahead.

Kimberly Madison

Carefree Expat Member

Two victories to share:

1 – This morning I completed my travel checklist. It kept getting pushed to the backburner amongst other competing priorities and I wasn’t happy about that. But now I’m relieved.

2 – I noticed I’m organically shifting into my 3rd desired character trait. This is a surprise because when we first identified the traits we wanted to develop to carry out our goal of relocating, I really only thought I’d tap into one of them. How much can someone really shift their mindset in a matter of months? I was skeptical. But since starting this program, I’ve now tapped into strengthening my(1) resilience, (2) calm, and (3) optimism. This is a big deal. I joined this program to work at the mental/spiritual aspects of this move. The returns are abundant. — feeling proud.

Carefree Expat Member

The best investment I’ve made in my personal development in years is enrolling in the Carefree Expat Incubator Program.

I plan to move from the U.S. to France in five months. If it wasn’t for this program, I’m 100% sure I’d still be dreaming about it rather than actively taking steps to make it a reality. The course material, the accountability, and the supportive women in the weekly Zoom group sessions are invaluable. But it’s the coaching from Patricia Brooks that’s priceless.

The best part is, if you show up and apply yourself in the Carefree Expat Incubator Program, you’ll accomplish even more than living abroad. By working through your doubts, mental blocks, and fears—some lifelong—you’ll come out on the other side (hopefully in your dream country!) a more confident, bolder, and happier woman.

Katrinna Cherie

Carefree Expat Member


I am so glad I found Patricia and her Carefree Expat Incubator Program.  For several years I have had the desire to move to Europe.  I found it challenging to make progress towards this goal on my own.  Patricia has been helping me to address the fears I have about moving abroad.  Addressing these mental/emotional blocks has helped me to take action toward my dream.

It’s also immensely powerful to be in a group where we all have this common goal. We all help to propel each other forward.  You get great advice and practical tips from other group members. To have the ongoing support of Patricia and the group members has been priceless and I can’t imagine where I would be without it.


Carefree Expat Member

The Carefree Expat Incubator Program has helped me to become more focused and accountable for all the steps I need to take to make my move abroad real. I’ve also gained clarity about what I want and I am more determined than ever to create the life I’ve always wanted but never had a vehicle for getting there.

I’m inspired by the supportive community Patricia has built and I’m grateful for her phenomenal coaching and mentorship. I hope that you might be moved by what I have written here to take that leap of faith and join this program.

Elisabeth Branche

Carefree Expat Member

I’m about a week and a half away from the end of my 3-month exploratory trip which I took to get clarity on whether or not I am ultimately ready to move back to Germany. Happy to say, mission accomplished. I remained open from the start and clarity arrived! Now comes planning and logistics to shoot my shot at returning permanently. I’m focused and I’m grateful for this program and this group.

Carefree Expat Member

Connecting with Patricia was one of the many steps in the early stages of my moving-to-France journey. Even though I have moved around the world several times and don’t need much help, talking to Patricia has been very insightful. She lives in the region I want to explore. Since this is probably my final move before retirement, her questions, knowledge, and experience have urged me to go deeper into my ideas, dreams, and visions. Moving abroad alone can be daunting, especially at an older age (I’m 58).

I believe Patricia is an amazing resource to help you self-explore and be well-prepared for your move abroad and to France specifically. If I need help in the near future, her extensive program will get me where I want and need to be.

Monique DiCarlo

Working with Patricia gave me the clarity to move forward on my journey to find my home in France. I’ve been on the path for years, and often get sidetracked. Patricia is great at steering clients back on course. She is professional and a person with whom it is a joy to collaborate. She has clarity, focus, and is a keen listener. I recommend her services if you need the extra support of a coach who can help you to find what you are looking for by tapping into why it’s important to you. I purchased a package of 4 sessions and was able to have the tools to go in the right direction.


Go from saying:

if I move abroad” to

when I move abroad!”

The Carefree Expat Incubator Program will get you there. 

Not sure you should move?

Take this quick questionnaire to see if you should move to another country.

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